After two unsuccessful years studying art history (2004-2005), during which I realized I wasn’t cut out for it at all, I had to start working—dishwasher, mechanic, waiter, mason… but always with a book in hand.
It was in 2020, after twenty years of reading, that I started taking photos. Wherever I went, I would pull out my camera to capture anything that stood out from the landscape: cranes, pylons, power lines, buildings, etc. Yet, I realized that photography alone couldn’t fully convey what I had in mind. I needed to find a way to capture the era in its rhythms, textures, materials, colors, and shapes. I had to condense.
After two years of relentless and laborious work, I finally found a language of my own. It is this language that I now express through my paintings.
(In 2024, I realize that my paintings look a lot like my photos.)

Let me know if you’d like any refinements! 😊

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